Emily Shane Foundation

Empowering Underserved Middle Schoolers to Succeed
The Emily Shane Foundation believes all students deserve the opportunity to attain their best academic potential. Our mission is to empower local, underserved students to thrive in middle school and beyond. 
We offer individualized academic coaching and mentorship, and work hard to build positive relationships to maximize future opportunities.
The Emily Shane Foundation, a 501(c)3 nonprofit charity, provides essential academic tutoring and mentorship to disadvantaged middle schoolers who are at risk of failure, particularly those in underserved communities across Los Angeles. Our unique educational initiative, the SEA (Successful Educational Achievement) Program's objective is to empower these children to be successful students, and to achieve their goals and dreams. Participants are guided on a path to success in school and in life. The SEA Program solely serves those unable to afford this essential and necessary support to help them  improve, and truly makes a difference in their lives.

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